Aflatoxin Test KIT

Aflatoxin Test KIT -New! No ethanol required – water-based sample extraction.

Detects: Total aflatoxin

Results In: 2 minutes for a negative, 4 minutes for a positive

Format: Lateral flow membrane strips (dipsticks), 50 strips/kit, sealed in a desiccated, reclosable plastic canister; kit also includes buffer pouches, 100 disposable pipette tips, and reaction vials

Matrix: Corn (maize) bulk grain

Analyte class: Mycotoxins

Range of Quantification: Qualitative at 20 ppb

Reagents: EB17 Extraction Buffer (provided); requires distilled, deionized or bottled water for extraction


Aflatoxins cause considerable negative impacts in various markets – farms, feed, and even grain mills and can cause you massive losses.

Indeed, they result in reduced productivity/ yields and depressed quality to mention but a few so its important to test your grains at all stages during handling and storage.

In addition, regulatory agencies are very strict when it comes to aflatoxin detection and you don’t want to find yourself in their bad books.

Use this Aflatoxin Testing Kit for quick and accurate results!


Aflatoxin KIT provides rapid, quantitative and traceable results for aflatoxin contamination in maize, wheat, sorghum, oats, barley, rough rice, and soybean meal.

This KIT has been rated to be among the best in the World


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